Deep Sea Voyage is a roller coaster ride taking visitors to explore Earth’s deepest frontier, the ocean. The poster features a roller coaster ride at the bottom of the poster. The typography is the primary element and creates movement. The sea creatures guide the viewer’s eye throughout the composition. The artwork was separated to three different films printed on 11”x 17” copy paper.
For this project, the requirement was exposing each screen with an alternative method instead of an exposing light unit. A total of three layers were printed on 11”x17” copy paper, applied to each screen, then baby oil was used to coat the screen. The white of the paper with no ink was peeled off and the printed part of the artwork remained on the screen. The screens were left in the sun and rinsed off to create the stencil.
Acrylic water-based inks were used on a vacuum press to print 40 posters. A white substrate was chosen to allow the colors to contrast against the poster. To create a water effect, a split fountain was created by using various blues and whites to create a light to dark water color. The project was expanded into an animated GIF.